New site is being worked on.
Charity FC;
one day, the biggest team on earth dot com.
,,,busy raising millions,
watch this space.

24 sites are being worked on and
57 storyboards.
I'm seeking numerous individuals
and related companies to come on-board.
You need to understand that I am not qualified,
but you are.
If you feel "Your effort, is worthy of a Million bucks",
Mail me, please.
The future Team members will have tuned-in and watched some of the movies, related to their purpose, desire, willpower, effort, aims and goals.
Here's another nice example:
Now let's see who wants a Million, can put up a million, wont miss a million (for a while at 10% T&C apply)
Morgan Spurlock's "Greatest Movie ever Sold" is another movie you'll need to watch to understand where I'm 'going'

Google all you like,
the full story is not on-line yet.
,,have I got a story for You!!
Watch this space.